Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Knowing the bad guys!

My favorite movie is “Reservoir Dogs”, the first movie that Quentin Tarantino directed and wrote.
I saw it the first time in 2007, when I came to live to Santiago with my cousin, since then I can´t remember how many times I watched it.

"Reservoir Dogs" it´s a crime movie, but the policemen are not the main characters. This is a movie that turns around criminals: the planification of a bank robbery, their ironic discussions and their fights over who was the snitch, their joking and laughing, the guns and the shots.

What I most love of it is their cruel humor and the violence that involves. I must say that my favorite scene is the one when one of the bad guys cut the heir of a policeman while he is dancing "Stuck in the middle with you" by Stealers Wheel. He obviously was crazy, but I love to watch his madness.
So the ones that haven´t seen it have lost the half of your lifes...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Travelling to Cuba!

The most meaningful trip of my life was to Cuba, this travel was in the summer of 2008. I went there with my mother and my younger brother for 24 days. We enjoy meeting “La Habana”, “Guanabo” and “Baracoa”.

Going to Cuba on vacation was very significant to me for two reasons: Firstly; because I always wanted to meet such a different and particular social system, Cuba it is an exception as political regimen in the world. Secondly, and most important, my older brother live in Cuba because of the fact that he study medicine in the ELAM.

The ex Cuban president, Fidel Castro, conceived the creation of the Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM), to train doctors free of charge, which after a lapse of six years, must return to their communities to contribute to the sustainability of their health systems. My brother study there since four years ago with students from 24 different countries

I was surprise with the city of “La Habana”, because it was full with old cars from the 50s and earlier as well as Russian Ladas everywhere. Old sidecar motorcycles are also a popular way to get around; I personally travelled in one of them.

I also visited “Habana Vieja”, which is a fascinating colonial city, the age and beauty of the buildings is astounding. Of course I saw the Capitolio, several of the big museums, the Hotel England and some of the bars that Hemingway frequented.